Quality Policy

As an establishment respecting humanity and environment, we will increase the quality of our design and product by committing ourselves to,

  • International production standards,
  • Excellent customer satisfaction of our products and services,
  • Satisfaction of legal customer requirements by understanding those requirements and meeting them continuously,
  • Finding opportunities continuously to increase the customer satisfaction,
  • Education and satisfaction of our employees,
  • Understanding and leading the technological advancements and market tendencies,
  • Improving the effectiveness of our Quality Management System
  • Being environmentally friendly.

and, while carrying out these activities,

  • We will minimize the waste at the source, recycle and reuse it if possible or get rid of it in an environmentally responsible way,
  • We will use the energy, raw materials and natural resources efficiently,
  • We will monitor greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the effects of global climate changes,
  • Will improve our management system continuously,
  • We will minimize the adverse effects of our activities on our employees and other people’s health and well-being, and we will take all measures to assess, control and prevent any possible damage to public,
  • We will ensure the participation and consultation of all employees,
  • We will increase the awareness of our employees about the environment and workplace safety and make this as part of our culture,
  • We will continuously monitor the dangerous situations at the workplace and continuously work to minimize them,
  • We will be respectful to environmental and workplace safety laws and rules,
  • We will continuously work to improve the awareness about the environment and workplace safety,
  • We will adopt and use the continuous improvement philosophy and make it as part of our Management System, make sure our employees digest it so that we can increase our market share, profitability and competitiveness.